I try to convince my team that the node.js ecosystem has gotten into a stage where it cannot be used for security/financial applications because the sheer amount of dependencies pose an inherent threat. I advocate for Go because of the tendency to less and easier reviewable dependencies. Nobody except me seems to see a problem there, despite me being able to point out specific security incidents.

I am wondering if I am missing something obvious here and would value any opinion.

No, you are basically right, but the number of nodes in the dependency tree doesn't really mean that you really have to review all of those. Usually you end up with a big basket of actual dependent projects, and with some versions for them (which leads to the big explosion of the number of nodes in the dep tree).

Naturally it should be easy to specify a whitelist of licenses. (Of course then one has to decide whether to trust the package.json-s.)

That said, security review is hard for any ecosystem. Go probably has inherent advantages compared to the JS ecosystem, simply by virtue of being younger, having a real standard library, being more focused (no browser vs nodeJS issues) etc.

PS: there are projects that aim to do collaborative audit/review for Rust ( https://github.com/crev-dev/cargo-crev ) there should be something like that for the JS world. also there's the NPM "report vulnerability" feature.