Maybe it's off topic, but anyway :

I'm a cs student, in my thesys I'll be working on a NGS C++ application. I need at least a brief introduction to "basic" sequencing but I'm struggling to find something accessible. Every book I find seems superspecialized. Now I'm reading "Insect Molecular Genetics : An introduction to principles and applications" but I'd like to read just a book chapter a little bit more advanced than the contents shown in this video

Any suggestions?

On the practical side, if you're working on a low level with NGS data, htslib[1] may be worth looking into. It is a C library for reading, writing, and manipulating data structures that are commonly used in NGS (BAM, VCF, etc). I have used it and can attest to its quality. However, as is the issue with all software related to genomics, its only documentation is its header files and example programs. Here is the very example I used to get started[2]. The comments in the header files are usually good enough.

The reason I'm recommending it is the quality of its interfaces. It can seamlessly handle (input or output) virtually any kind of file you throw at it (SAM, BAM, CRAM). I can't say the same for a lot of other software I have run into in this space.

