Hi Matt. Thank you for such an excellent project.

I'm pretty sure you already know of sharplab.io. A lot of us C# devs prefer it over Compiler Explorer for a bunch of reasons, but the main one is really the speed.

My guess is that Sharplab gets it speed because it hooks directly into the JIT compiler itself. There is no overhead from touching disk or the linker.

Confused, how is this related to C++ compilers?

Edit: Oh wow I didn't realize the website does other languages, thanks!

Godbolt does more than C++. I often share Java byte code snippets from there

I wish it could also do the machine code version like on .NET languages.

Maybe there is a way to plug hsdis into the workflow.

EDIT: Actually there is already a ticket discussing this, https://github.com/compiler-explorer/compiler-explorer/issue...