What's the current state of the art for "I know I use AWS for my 9999-server production instance, but how can I test the majority of my services offline on an airplane w/o spending $199.99/mo to keep a fleet of test AWS servers/services at the ready"?

Last I looked the "fake-aws", specifically "lambda" supported python, not JS/Node, which was not matching my use-case. Go is now on the radar as a usable programming language for this purpose, but what are the chances of being able to also use it with local test deployments?

I haven't used it yet but I've heard good things about localstack[0]. Originally it was in the Atlassian GitHub organization[1] but they moved it over to its own at some point.

0. https://github.com/localstack/localstack 1. https://github.com/atlassian/localstack/