> If you build your application in Dark’s language inside of Dark’s editor, the reward is you can deploy it automatically on Dark’s infrastructure on Google Cloud Platform without worrying about all of the typical underlying deployment tasks.

> ... Ellen Chisa, CEO and co-founder at the company, admits that the Dark approach requires learning to use her company’s toolset, but she says the trade-off is worth it because everything has been carefully designed to work in tandem.

So this “deployless” method is really you just offset the deploying mechanism and control (probably to varying degrees) to a third party that’s dependent on another third party. I don’t buy that. There are so many tools that make web application deployment simple and easy without constraining what tools you get to use and what platform you get to run it on.

I’d have to look more at the project itself, but just reading that article I have a number of concerns/questions with this idea. I would be interested in who they are trying to market this to. One size fits all sounds great in theory, but rarely ever works out well in practice.

Agreed. It only sounds maybe 1 step removed from where aws lambda’s are now. You fiddle with the code in the lambda IDE, and submit for deployment. Is this really that much different?

Most times I've worked with Lambda (or other competing cloud functions) it's been difficult or infeasible to run my function locally. Which means I can now ONLY test my code manually after a minute or so of deploy time.

Separate from anything else about Dark, it appears to fundamentally avoid that problem.

Can't speak for Lambda, but Azure Functions is trivial to run/test locally.

Have you tried localstack (https://github.com/localstack/localstack) to run AWS lambda locally?