Bravo! As someone who works with software generated music (mostly jukebox, but was doing instrumentals before this)… love to see more of this from the HN community… looking forward to checking out the youtube…


Thank you for looking into it. Its really easy to get satisfying results. Its like composing in a candy store.

I think someone should take this framework and make procedural orchestrations with it. That could sound so interesting and fun. You could compose music on entirely fundamental levels instead of thinking about abstractions like note names.

To make a procedural orchestration you would have to make a program that replaces the midi playlist maker with your own. Then feed that playlist to get sample and send the result to

Here is my channel:

Procedural generation for midi has been around for a long time - ever with fair more “primitive” archictures that current GPT-types. Even chat-run [0] can be used to generate midi-based classical scores… I can’t find the exact trained model just now. But as you say… those midi generations sound like $hit so getting them arranged properly would be v v useful.
