On YouTube, there is an option called "Don't recommend channel". I wonder why Google doesn't have a similar option. Or even better, a "Recommend me this website as the first option" button. It would useful to avoid spammy sites and to benefit the good ones. To avoid gaming the algorithm, Google can't take this data into account to benefit/punish websites on search results. The button has the only purpose to customise the user experience one by one. Over time though, and organically, spammy sites would get less traffic. Eventually, they would be forced to shut down (lack of ad revenue).

Kagi has this feature. You can mark websites to prioritise for your results and websites to demote or completely exclude.

That's great, until they decide to nix it or you want to migrate your list to another search engine. I wish we could decouple these choices from the website providers. A web browser that puts the user back in control.

There is no reason to think that a paid search engine like Kagi will get rid of one of it's signature functionality, but if you're interested in an extension for browser: https://github.com/iorate/ublacklist