Author here, nice to see this got some interest! As a very small benchmark (uh-oh!), in a console on the linked page, I tried to make/recreate 10,000 divs:

  const root = document.getElementById('noughts')
  m.render(root, {children: [...Array(10000)].map(_=>m('', {class: ['hi']}, 'hi'))})
  m.render(root, {children: [...Array(10000)].map(_=>m('', {class: ['bye']}, 'bye'))})
wrapped with:

  console.time('a');  ... console.timeEnd('a')
On my laptop (admittedly a fairly new macbook), I got (approx):

  130ms to make divs from scratch
  80ms to switch from 'hi'->'bye'
  50ms to re-render with no changes
I'd be super interested as to what comparable figures would be for React. There's a fair bit of interesting discussion below surrounding performance, but with no datapoints.
There are some fairly standard vdom benchmarks you could implement instead.

Or even just something following mithril’s own benchmark suite: