I use Angular 2 in production since November 19, 2015 (alpha.46). Currently I've built 3 web apps (40, 60 and 20 components each), 3 mobile apps (with Ionic 2) and my employer have plans for more apps.

Breaking changes during alpha stage were expected, so I didn't have issues with it.

Most positive things I want to highlight:

1. Components are encapsulated and truly reusable (and without dependencies hell).

2. You don't need any "bridges" anymore to use 3-rd party JS libraries inside your Angular app. Nothing need to be "angularized" - twbs, D3, all just works out of the box. Maybe it's even most important part for me.

3. Idea of `(events)` and `[attributes]` is awesome, works really effective and makes code much more easy to read.

4. Performance is great.

5. Community is friendly and have a lot of fun and patience, even to newbies.

6. TypeScript gives a lot of bonuses with zero price - you don't need to learn anything (you can just rename js to ts and it will work) and additions to JS are simple and powerful.

7. Cool abilities like AOT-compilation, server-side rendering and tree-shaking.

Congrats to the all devs who are using Angular, congrats to the Angular team! :)

Do you know of any large projects that use Angular 2? I just want see how readable the projects are.

Google AdWords - hope thats big enough.

A caveat: they are using the Dart fork (now maintained by the Dart team) which is not what this announcement is about. Not sure what the biggest Typescript app is.

As far as raw TypeScript apps, VS Code and TypeScript itself are pretty good examples.

https://github.com/Microsoft/vscode https://github.com/Microsoft/typescript