I have servers on Vultr, AWS, Azure, physical hardware in data centres and a few others. The physical servers are by far the fastest obviously, but when looking at the VPS / 'cloud' services Vultr is by _far_ the fastest and most reliable servers out of the lot, a close second would be Sitehost (AU/NZ Only). On the other end of the scale, the least reliable services we've experienced is easily those hosted on Azure where constant network issues, unreliable performance and random unexplained outages are frequent. Rackspace used to be good, going back say 2 or so years ago, then it felt like they were struggling although their technology far exceeded that of AWS - Amazon's marketing and targeting of management level sales seemed to outweigh and caused them to buckle.

Is it possible to show some benchmarks? I suppose you mean by computational power but if it is by far the fastest, it should be trivial to bring up the differences in numbers.

I did a blog post last year that compared DigitalOcean, Vultr, and my 7 year old laptop for my Git indexing engine. Vultr performed better than DigitalOcean in all my tests.

You can find the numbers at https://gitsense.com/blog/benchmarking-march-14-2016.html

I probably should run the tests again to see how things have changed though.

So I ran a few tests by indexing https://github.com/Microsoft/vscode and these were the results

   DO - $10  | Vultr - $5 | Vultr - $10
   00:38:59  |  00:31:58  | 00:29:43

Indexing produced 64 searchable branches and as the above shows, Vultr easily outperformed DigitalOcean, at half the price.


To put the numbers into perspective, I ran another test in a virtual machine with VirtualBox on my local desktop and finished indexing in 00:21:29

I allocated 1 virtual core and 1 GB of RAM for the virtual machine. The desktop processor is an i5-4460 @3.20GHz