Slide 10: Microsoft Open Source.

It's really amazing how much Microsoft has changed (to the positive) since Ballmer stepped down as CEO.

> Slide 10: Microsoft Open Source.

you do realize that's just PR talk right? Most of their money-making products and services are far from being open source, so let's tone down the grandiloquent claims a little.

The point I was trying to make was that there was a time, not too long ago, when Microsoft was actively hostile towards open source (and all of their money-making products where closed source).

As to your point, it is possible for an entity to favor and support open source, even without the entity itself following this policy. These issues aren't one-dimensional.

>> there was a time, not too long ago, when Microsoft was actively hostile towards open source

Have things changed in the last five minutes? MS and windows is still very hostile to f/oss. They do contribute cash here and there, and occasionally release a bit of code, but MS is still an IP bully. Ask them their opinion on customers running custom software on the XBone.

Frankly, I'd be happy if they just switched their products to open standard file formats. Docx is the bane of my office existence.

>> "... and occasionally release a bit of code, ..."

I'm not the biggest proponent of Microsoft, but they're open sourced some pretty large projects recently. They're the highest contributing organization on Github I believe.

I mean...