People keep mentioning how "Microsoft changed" due to VS Code, the Linux subsystem, .NET Core.

I say that they are the same company, only with different cash cows.

Haven't they spied on Windows 10 users? Do they not engage in patents racketeering? Haven't they killed Nokia and ruined Skype?

"But Mom, some of the other companies are doing it too", well yeah, but some of us don't have double standards, in spite of what you'd think and that doesn't absolve them of anything ;-)

Brilliant marketing campaign though. They needed it I guess, but it's getting obnoxious.


That said I'm glad that after the acquisition GitHub will be led by Nat Friedman, the former CEO of Xamarin, which has some credibility.

At least the news isn't all bad.

Why not let things play out a little before predicting chaos? Github doesn't have the vendor lock-in that other companies have. It starts to go downhill? Just push your repo to another Git host. Yes, you'll need to figure out how to port some of your workflows, but it won't be an insurmountable pain.

>Why not let things play out a little before predicting chaos?


GP gave you a very good reason why this is different than historical Microsoft EEE[0]:

> Github doesn't have the vendor lock-in that other companies have

There's not much about Github that can't be easily replaced; it uses git at its core. Comments, issues, and wikis are convenient, but relatively simple to implement.

The main value in Github is the de facto community status it has, which it earned by being an open community and good steward of open source projects. The worst MS could do here is shoot themselves in the foot and ruin that value (which they just purchased for 7.5B) by driving developers to other platforms (who will make it all too easy to switch).

I think the M&A teams at MS must have seen this possiblity and have a different plan in mind for Github. Think dead simple (one-click) Azure deployments and integrations. And if you want (or need) that functionality for a different cloud provider, you'll just have to build it yourself on a different site.


It's not like anything about github is open source. Maybe that will change.

well, there was the atom editor. which now i fully expect msft to kill in favor of vs code. damn it.

VsCode is open source too: