Qt Creator is a fantastic editor and IDE. If you're doing cross-platform GUI development, Qt is a good choice (especially compared to something grotesque and unseemly like Electron), and for Qt development, Qt Creator is as good as it gets. But it turns out that it works really well for generic C and C++ development too, even with obscure C like the Linux kernel, thanks to the Clang code model. I use Qt Creator sometimes when working on WireGuard (in addition to the usual typical vim/cli flow).

Yep, if you can even compare Electron to Qt. Electron is just a buggy ill-conceived hack to wrap a browser with nodejs to make webpages. All it provides is a blank window with no customisation and a huge size and memory overhead.

VSCode, Figma.

I've never heard of Figma, but the reason VSCode is as good as it is now is because it's has had increasing parts of it being re-written in C or C++ along with other extensive performance modifications to the electron runtime by the vscode team.

> the reason VSCode is as good as it is now is because it's has had increasing parts of it being re-written in C or C++

Is that true? I've heard that said before but I've also heard that's not true. I haven't been able to find anything indicating any parts of it are written in C/C++ either. The GitHub repo for VScode doesn't have any C in it; infact it doesn't have much but JS/TS:
