This seems similar to an Elixir/Phoenix use case where you have a GenServer per user. At first glance, it seems like that approach would be functionally equivalent.

Yes, the BEAM/OTP/{Erlang/Elixir} stack is unique in that it provides similar primitives as part of the runtime.

My impression of that approach is that it’s good for IO-bound work and stateful business logic, but less so for the CPU/memory-bound applications that we’re targeting. I’d love to know if there are counterexamples to that though. It’s admittedly been over a decade since I touched Erlang and I’m not up to date, only peripherally familiar with Elixir and Phoenix.

Yes, for CPU bound processed on the BEAM you'll want to use a NIF (native implemented function) but that leaves you open to taking down the entire VM with bad NIF code (segfaults, infinite loops, etc). A purported safer means to create NIFs is to use Rustler ( which lets you easily write NIFs in Rust instead of C. I haven't used it but I've heard good things.