Here is the crawler project: . It crawls HN and creates a database record for each submission. The page is generated by formatting the result of the sql query. A bit boring, all written in python3.

(I don't have the nerve to run the crawler and page generator on a daily basis; the page has instructions on how to install and run the script)

Is the Hacker News API not useful for your project?

didn't know about it. . Checked it out, the api wouldn't have helped me: the API reponse for this flagged story doesn't indicate, that it has been flagged.

On the other hand: they gave me an idea. I can structure the crawler differently. Right now, I am now following the next page (apparently there is a limit on the number of 'next' pages). Instead, it is possible to get the maximum item id, then just decrement the item id down and down again.