Hey HN,
I wanted to be able to make apps that do social login with HN so I hacked it together.
It works like you would expect -- generating a code you can put in your profile. For convenience, you can then use either TOTP or Email (if you specify both, it will default to using TOTP) to login thereafter to make things quicker (it can take up to a minute until profiles update).
I generally wait about 5 seconds between checks of a profile, hopefully this isn't too much additional strain (especially since I expect most people to switch to something faster after the first login).
[EDIT] Also it's night time (well morning I guess) where I am so... spinning up some more instances and I'm going to sleep.
[EDIT2] My email is plastered all over the site, but please feel free to email me any bug reports!
[EDIT3] If you'd like to register an app, please check out https://mailing-list.vadosware.io/subscription/form ! Ignore all the other mailing list stuff and get on the "early adopters" list for LoginWithHN! Or just email me in my HN profile, whichever!
If you're scraping HN, please wait 30 seconds (https://news.ycombinator.com/robots.txt) - our app server still runs on a single core, so we don't have a lot of performance to spare. (Hopefully that will change this year.)
If you need to check more frequently, https://github.com/HackerNews/API works fine and you can get JSON that way anyhow.