I really hope whatever the NativeWindow changes are allow Slack to finally stop rendering when the app goes to the background. My battery has been killed a couple times by the Slack renderer using ~30% cpu playing gifs while the app isn't visible, and their support says its because they don't have a notification hook for minimizing

I want to work at a company like that, where I can just blame the "stack" we're using and shrug my shoulders.

do you really though

If it makes for easier programming, yes.

Writing Slack as a native app would be a massive pain. Especially due to all the web-like features it has, the fact that it's one codebase (mainly) for desktop and web.

They also have to support Windows, Linux, Mac and mobile. Not an easy task

> Writing Slack as a native app would be a massive pain.

If it was allowed I'd write the native macOS app for them. I'm sure it'd pay off selling it for $5 or $10 in the Mac App Store

Do it then: https://api.slack.com/

Slack APIs aren't perfect, but they're good enough to allow 3rd party clients for terminals, Emacs[0], and the like. I've never dug into it because I avoid Slack in general, but I think the biggest hurdle right now is just user authentication.

That's a pain, and does limit your audience, but maybe you'd still find some buyers on HN.

[0]: https://github.com/yuya373/emacs-slack