There are too many cool languages and too few weekends. It's becoming more problematic, but at the same time it would seem impractical to optimize my life around learning every single thing that I want to learn.

How do I decide which things are important enough? I am running out of time in my life also.

I watched a video a while ago about how the universe is expanding faster than light can travel, which means the portion of the universe that we can observe is an increasingly small subset of what's out there.

Sometimes my hobbies and wish-i-had-time-for-that projects feel the same way, they're expanding faster than I'll ever catch up to.

I wonder if zig will ever pursue some sort of memory safety. I find rust very difficult and unwieldy, but I can totally grok the appeal of RAII.

> I wonder if zig will ever pursue some sort of memory safety.

That's exactly what Zig is designed for [1].

Andrew Kelley (andrewrk) discusses this in the talk. Zig is similar to Rust, but with memory safety designed into the core, not bolted on as an afterthought. And as the SHA-256 demo tests in the talk show, Zig is as fast or faster than C.

