1. https://www.starlink.com/ Finally, truly global and low latency satellite internet.

2. Generative models for video games - https://aidungeon.io/ is barely scratching the surface. Story, art, animation, music, gameplay, it will all be generated by models in the future.

3. New direct drive robotics actuators such as https://www.google.com/search?q=peano-hasel+actuators I think actuators are holding robotics back more than software now. Breakthroughs are needed. No general purpose robot will ever be practical with electric motors and gearboxes.

4. Self-driving cars are still happening, despite delays. I think discounting Tesla's approach is a mistake, but Waymo is still in the lead.

5. NLP is finally starting to work. The potential for automation is huge. Code generation is very exciting as well.

6. I was excited for Rust but I now believe it's too complex. I'm looking for a much simpler language that can still achieve the holy grail of memory safety without GC pauses or refcounting. But I'm not holding my breath. If ML models start writing a large part of our code then the human ergonomics of programming language design will matter less.

Jai? Jonathan Blow’s new programming language might be an option for you.


Jai doesn't do very much in terms of memory safety, Zig [1] might be a better alternative + it actually exists.

1 - https://github.com/ziglang/zig