As somebody that just got into Zig and loves the language, it makes me super sad that the developers on this project have to spend their valuable time stressing about BS like this.

Also, the ideas the Zen people list on their website for forking Zig are terrible ideas- They were pushing to turn Zig into a hard-to-reason-about vanilla object-oriented programming language.

How close to "production ready" do you feel Zig is, especially in terms of tooling and cross-platform support? It's a super interesting language for me, but I am hesitant to invest in a language which might not be truly usable for years if ever

Hi, right now Zig is still a bit wild. If you don't feel like looking into a language that is still moving at this speed (if you read the changelogs for the last few releases you'll see what I'm talking about), then you might want to wait a little.

Zig 0.7.0 is scheduled to be released soon and the main effort is being spent on porting the current C++ compiler to a self-hosted version. Once that's done, we'll be in a much better position to provide better stability for features.

During the last fundraiser we announced the intention of launching a Zig Stability Program once the self-hosted compiler is done, so that we can guarantee that any bug found in features that we decide to support are going to be prioritized appropriately. To be clear, this is a bug stability program, not an API stability one: we'll still redesign things from one version to the next if necessary.

In terms of timelines, we hope to have the self-hosted compiler replace the current one in version 0.8.0, indicatively 6 months from now.

If you want to help speed the development up: to contribute (or email us at [email protected]) to donate