Since all the good suggestions are taken, I want to mention a couple of diversions:

fortune: prints something silly or thought-provoking. You can get extra fortune cookie files or add your own.

cowsay: prints an ascii-art cow (or other creature) with a speech-bubble filled with the text of your choice. You can pipe fortune into cowsay for extra fun.

    $ fortune | cowsay
    / Publishing a volume of verse is like \
    | dropping a rose petal down the Grand |
    \ Canyon and waiting for the echo.     /
            \   ^__^
             \  (oo)\_______
                (__)\       )\/\
                    ||----w |
                    ||     ||
These days, there's also:

My latest find is to use a combination of weechat and wee-slack for most of my slack usage (it's note quite there when it comes to editing, or in-line reactions). But works well for the chat part:

As a former BitchX and sometime irssi user, weechat feel cozy. And it doesn't eat all your ram just for chat.