I started using magit about 3 months ago - it's definitely one of my favorite parts of emacs now. I highly recommend it to anyone using emacs as a daily driver.

how would you compare it to other git interfaces ? unless you used to use the bare git program in a shell.

It's the best git client I've used, comparing to git (CLI & gitk), PyCharm's builtin (even with the recent improvements e.g. hunkwise selection), tig, Sourcetree, gitx (various forks) and gitextensions.

The rebase and interactive stage/unstage are especially stellar.

It does get a tad slow on huge repositories, but that's the case of most git clients.

Despite using pycharm for $dayjob, most of my interactions with git are through magit. Basically the only ones which are not are annotations-browsing (IDE integration is too convenient there) and branch-switching ($dayjob repo being huge, switching major branches can take some time and magit completely locks up emacs + has no feedback, so CLI is more convenient)

I found my Magit was particularly slow on my OSX Aquamacs instance, and then learned that it was a known performance regression that apparently stemmed from Aquamacs not using vfork on OSX. A one-character source edit and a rebuild, and my Magit was pretty zippy again.

Emacs in particular, and a lot of Unix software in general, run very poorly in Mac OS X compared to Linux or OpenBSD. I had to look up what vfork was, and learned that it was deprecated in POSIX 2008. Not surprising. Mac OS X seems to be in perpetual beta mode, where it is always half-way behind on basic Unix features, and the other half are proprietary interfaces that get deprecated/broken/incompatible changes every major release. Switch to a better operating system.

”Switch to a better operating system”

Even if better Operating Systems exists, there are no better Deskop Environments ;-)

I agree, there is no better desktop environment than Emacs: https://github.com/ch11ng/exwm