We're at early stages of planning an architecture where we offload pre-rendered JSON views of PostgreSQL onto a key value store optimised for read only high volume. Considering DynamoDB, S3, Elastic, etc. (We'll probably start without the pre-render bit, or store it in PostgreSQL until it becomes a problem).
When looking at DynamoDB I noticed that there was a surprising amount of discussion around the requirement for provisioning, considering node read/write ratios, data characteristics, etc. Basically, worrying about all the stuff you'd have to worry about with a traditional database.
To be honest, I'd hoped that it could be a bit more 'magic', like S3, and it AWS would take care of provisioning, scaling, sharding etc. But it seemed disappointingly that you'd have to focus on proactively worrying about operations and provisioning.
Is that sense correct? Is the dream of a self-managing, fire-and-forget key value database completely naive?
Your example really summarizes the challenge with the AWS paradigm: namely that they want you to believe that the thing to do is to spread the the backend of your application across a large number of distinct data systems. No one uses DynamoDB alone: they bolt it onto Postgres after realizing they have availability or scale needs beyond what a relational database can do, then they bolt on Elasticsearch to enable querying, and then they bolt on Redis to make the disjointed backend feel fast. And I'm just talking operational use cases; ignoring analytics here. Honestly it doesn't need to be these particular technologies but this is the general phenomenon you see in so many companies that adopt a relational database, key/value store (could be Cassandra instead of DynamoDB eg like what Netflix does), a search engine, and a caching layer because they think that that's the only option
This inherently leads to a complexity debt explosion, fragmentation in the experience, and an operationally brittle posture that becomes very difficult to dig out of (this is probably why AWS loves the paradigm).
It seems to me that what this is saying is that storage has become so cheap that if another database provides even slight advantages over another for some workload it is likely to be deployed and have all the data copied over to it.
HN entrepreneurs take note, this also suggests to me that there may be a market for a database (or a "metadatabase") that takes care of this for you. I'd love to be able to have a "relational database" that is also some "NoSQL" databases (since there's a few major useful paradigms there) that just takes care of this for me. I imagine I'd have to declare my schemas, but I'd love it if that's all I had to do and then the DB handled keeping sync and such. Bonus points if you can give me cross-paradigm transactionality, especially in terms of coherent insert sets (so "today's load of data" appears in one lump instantly from clients point of view and they don't see the load in progress).
At least at first, this wouldn't have to be best-of-breed necessarily at anything. I'd need good SQL joining support, but I think I wouldn't need every last feature Postgres has ever had out of the box.
If such a product exists, I'm all ears. Though I am thinking of this as a unified database, not a collection of databases and products that merely manages data migrations and such. I'm looking to run "CREATE CASSANDRA-LIKE VIEW gotta_go_fast ON SELECT a.x, a.y, b.z FROM ...", maybe it takes some time of course but that's all I really have to do to keep things in sync. (Barring resource overconsumption.)
I think there was a project like this a few years ago (wrapping a relational DB + ElasticSearch into one box) and I thought it was CrateDB, but from looking at their current website I think I'm misremembering.
The concept didn't appeal to me very much then, so I never looked into it further.
To address your larger point, I think Postgres has a better chance of absorbing other datastores (via FDW and/or custom index types) and updating them in sync with it's own transactions (as far as those databases support some sort of atomic swap operation) than a new contender has of getting near Postgres' level of reliability and feature richness.