It's cool to wake up in the morning and see my project on HN! For the record, I'm not trying to compete with the entire JavaScript ecosystem and create an extremely flexible build system that can build anything.

I'm trying to create a build tool that a) works well for a given sweet spot of use cases (bundling JavaScript, TypeScript, and maybe CSS) and b) resets the expectations of the community for what it means for a JavaScript build tool to be fast. Our current tools are way to slow in my opinion. Let's build faster tools!

constexpr - Cool project!

For those of us with slow internet connections please change your Makefile to use a shallow clone:

``` github/three: mkdir -p github git clone --depth 1 github/three -b r108 cd github/three && git checkout r108 ```

This would save a couple of gigs and hours in download.

Just skimming your code I see variable mangling but no AST optimizations, is that correct? Which is odd because you show similar output sizes to the JS bundlers.