Will be interesting once Graal is released. I've found it be at least 30% faster than the existing JDKs around for Scala development. Others have found similar results:


Surely it's no coincidence that, as Oracle removes differences between its JDK and OpenJDK, that they are throwing their weight behind this non-community project, with an enterprise version. Between sunsetting community owned Nashorn in favor of Graal solution to giving tools to OpenJDK presumably with fewer of their own maintainers, the resource shift is clear. Not that it's wrong or even nefarious, but devs need to realize who they're getting in to bed with when building a reliance on the tech.

Graal is open-source and most projects under its umbrella are [GPL2-with-classpath-exception licensed](https://github.com/oracle/graal/#license). The fact that they also have an Enterprise Edition does not make this a non-community project.