My company is moving away from it. We built a few services but after a few years some of the original people that introduced it left the company and it became very difficult to hire for. New hires were either people wanting to learn (so we had to spend a good bunch of resources into teaching + end up with a system built by noobs to the language) or very expensive developers with a lot of experience in erlang and elixir.

We also found many times missing libraries, or found libraries which are incomplete, or unmaintained or just not well documented. Just compare the total amount of libraries in Hex, vs the total amount of libraries in rubygems. Somebody will say "but Elixir libraries are higher quality so we need less, etc,etc" as if there were not good developers in the ruby world and every elixir developer were a rockstar.

Tooling is just terrible. The VSCode plugin is crap, kills the CPU unless you disable features. There is no IDE from jetbrains. There is a plugin but last time I tried it, it was even worse than the VSCode plugin.

Also, I've read some comments where people mention "we don't need redis", "we don't need workers" everything is so much easier. That was our thinking at first. But then you realize on deployments you will lose your cache, or your background jobs, etc. So you have to persist them either in mnesia or in the database. At that point you're just reinventing your crappy undocumented and untested version of delayed_job.

Most of what you get from elixir in terms of redundancy, high availability, etc you can have that anyway from kubernetes, heroku or any PaaS.... you will need more than 1 server anyway, so...

Liveview sounds amazing until you try to use it in the real world. The most minimum latency kills the experience.

In the end, we are back to Rails and much happier. Specially now we are using all the hotwire stuff. Not fancy, and not fashionable though.

"Also, I've read some comments where people mention "we don't need redis", "we don't need workers" everything is so much easier. That was our thinking at first. But then you realize on deployments you will lose your cache, or your background jobs, etc. So you have to persist them either in mnesia or in the database. At that point you're just reinventing your crappy undocumented and untested version of delayed_job... Most of what you get from elixir in terms of redundancy, high availability, etc you can have that anyway from kubernetes, heroku or any PaaS.... you will need more than 1 server anyway, so..."

I used Erlang for 5-6 years in a production environment in a deployment that wasn't the world's biggest, but did seriously need clustering because we needed more than one machine to handle the load, not just redundancy. This comment leads to my core observation about the entire ecosystem for anyone considering using anything in the Erlang ecosystem.

Erlang started in the late 1990s. Joe Armstrong was brilliant, and I would imagine was also surrounded by some other very smart people whose names I do not know. Despite what I'm about to say, let nothing I say be construed as disrespect for either the language or the people making it.

Let me set some context here. C++ ruled the day, and still looked to inevitably replace all C. Python, Perl, and the entire dynamic scripting language category had just been invented. Java was in the news, but not on your computer yet. Haskell... pre-monadic IO... had just been standardized somewhere in here. Threading was possible but was every bit the nightmare it has been presented as, and you had to be careful spawning more than single-digit threads because of the resource consumption. Open source was just beginning to be A Thing... that is, it had existed in its embryonic form for decades, of course, but it was just beginning to cohere into the Linux world we know now. Machines were still measured in the hundreds of megahertz and the single-digit megabytes of RAM.

Erlang was a far more radical departure from anything else in this era than it is today. There was a lot of academic work on this stuff, and there was a lot of very specialized high-end work on multiprocessing, but it wasn't being done by "mere mortals" and it wasn't very simple. Erlang's designers looked out into the world, and what they saw was a huge jungle, where what maps we had had huge regions that just said "Here There Be Dragons". And they started in, hacking and slashing and slicing their way through, guided by a few intuitions and a whole lot of engineering firepower.

And they largely succeeded in creating a settlement in the wilderness. They grew and managed to pave over the hack & slash paths into roads, built a community, built a pretty incredible VM, built an ecosystem around them. Let this accomplishment not be underestimated; this is a land that had eaten many others in that era.

However, sitting here in 2021, this is no longer a wilderness. Much of the area has been razed, highways driven through it, McDonald's by every exit, and millions of people living here in various bustling metropolises.

And I think what we've found is that where Erlang plopped itself down is OK... but not more than that.

As a consequence of its isolation, Erlang bundles a lot of things into itself that just didn't exist back in the day. It bundles in messaging passing and a network-aware message bus, almost literally decades before anyone else even thought of a "message bus" as a distinct product segment. (i.e., they existed, you could find academic discussion and some early passes at it, but it wasn't really a distinct category yet.) It has a threading environment. It has these "supervision trees" idea which are cool. It has immutability at a time where Haskell was even crazier than it is now. It has a mechanisms for bundling and distributing applications. It has this entire alternate-reality ecosystem in it. But...

... in 2021, none of these are best-of-breed anymore. Many of them are deeply quirky. Immutability is cool, but we only needed to not be able to pass mutable references on the message bus, not be fully immutable within an Erlang process. I believe Elixir fixes this one. A modern message bus going between processes gives you this whether you like it or not because it also can't carry mutable references between OS processes and systems. Having a message bus integrate into the language is a big mistake, because it makes it hard to hook up anything but Erlang nodes to Erlang. (I say "hard" and not "impossible" because I know it can be done, but it's hard.) A modern message bus like Kafka or the dozen other choices doesn't impose an implementation language on you, nor does it impose that implementation language being the only one. Process restarting is a necessity for production-grade systems, but we've settled to a large degree on OS-level handling for restarts, and within a system, there are easier ways to accomplish the goal than bring in the entire Erlang supervision setup. Mnesia, a clustered DB was a neat idea, but in 2021 is so poorly featured and unreliable it doesn't even qualify as one anymore; nobody in their right mind would bring up an Erlang cluster just to back some other language's code to Mnesia as a database. Pattern matching is cool, but not cool enough to justify all the other issues that come with it, and proper use of other language functionality is often good enough anyhow. (I don't tend to miss it; I tend to properly use some form of polymorphism instead. Trivial pattern matching is replaced by this, and to be honest, non-trivial pattern matching is probably a code smell if not an antipattern; if you're reaching three levels down into a data structure, you know too much about that data structure!) Modern Erlang performance is meh; it used to have the clear advantage when dealing with lots of sockets but now there's a lot of things that can comforably exceed it. Its type system is an annoyance even by dynamically-typed standards, if you like static types than just stay away. (They will cite Dialyzer, but it isn't anything remotely resembling a replacement.) And if I reviewed the docs I could find a few more of these, plus I find there's a lot of cases where Erlang has solutions to problems only Erlang has in the first place, e.g., "gen_server" is neat, but the entire gen_server set up, with its initialization phase and its three proscribed ways to call it and the need for an explicit "gen_server" module type are largely the creation of Erlang in the first place... in other languages you generally get the functionality packed up differently but it's all there without having to exactly match what Erlang does.

So, in 2021, the problem is that going into the Erlang ecosystem tends to lock you into a whole package of things that vary from "not best of breed but mostly OK" to "significantly inferior to the modern alternatives". All it really has is very nice integration of its not-best-of-breed stuff, but even that kinda becomes a trap after a while, like when you realize you need a real database after all, then maybe you have to integrate with another message bus so you can integrate with non-Erlang code, and, you know, a couple more cycles around that loop and you'll really regret having chosen Erlang.

One thing that I think it has going for it, and why it's probably still got a cult following today, is that if you're a relatively new developer, or not experienced in network programming, it is a heck of a trip when you get into it, because the tutorial will introduce you to half-a-dozen ideas you've never seen before. Cross-server message buses? Amazing! A network database with an easy API? Amazing! Spawn a million processes on a commodity box? Amazing! I think this explains a lot of the appreciation it gets today. But no longer are any of those things unique. It's just that the normal developer lifecycle will tend to encounter those, one at a time, over the course of years, instead of having them all thrown at you in one amazing, mind-blowing language introduction.

But in 2021, you can do not just "better" than Erlang for all of them, you can do much better. Except that whatever you put together will be something you had to put together, and it won't be quite as nicely integrated. But it will allow for multiple languages, it'll allow you to better integrate with the direction modern ops is going, it'll scale better both internal to your language and in terms of performance, and you'll be better able to hire for it.

The Erlang ecosystem was brilliant and far ahead of its time. I honor it as an incredible pioneer and recommend, even after everything I said, that anybody thinking of writing some incredible new language spend some time in the Erlang ecosystem to see some of what is possible with that sort of integration. But I can't in good conscience recommend it, in either its Erlang flavor or its Elixir flavor (or its Lisp flavor or anything else) to a modern developer. Everything Erlang does is much better done now by other things, minus the language/ecosystem lockin. This is not because Erlang lost, it is because it to a large degree won. It blazed a trail, and we all now agree, it was a trail very worth blazing. But the next waves of settlers & builders ultimately have created something better.

> But in 2021, you can do not just "better" than Erlang for all of them, you can do much better.

Really appreciate the effort that you've put into this post but it's 99% saying you can do better but without examples of stacks that would be better. For those who don't have your knowledge could you provide some examples?

The core insight of Erlang is that having lots of little processes communicating over a message bus is a great way to design code. It also proves by demonstration a statement that many programmers, especially in the past decades, would have found hard to believe, that you can structure code as a whole bunch of relatively small self-contained services. Many programmers, perhaps even today, would not believe how far you can get with such a model, thinking that fairly massive monoliths are still really the only way to scale up.

Rather than specific examples, let me provide terms to google, as these are now such rich spaces that even a list of examples would be impoverish. Google "message bus"; there's half-a-dozen solid production options you can deploy yourself, and all the major clouds have at least one option, often more. Pervasively use a message bus in your architecture and you can't hardly help but end up programming in a very Erlang-esque fashion.

"Database"; no longer is an SQL database over a socket your only option. Some databases even combine a bit of message bus functionality, like Redis, or Postgres.

Restarting and reliability: Process-level restarting of much smaller processes has become popular with things like Kubernetes, Docker, and even just plain ol' Systemd. (This is one place that I will assert that systemd is better than the init.d-based system, which had a solid story on how to start processes but a very ad-hoc one on restarting failed processes.) Internally, consult your favorite language for monitors or restarts within a process; I've got one for Go called suture. Getting an idiomatic restart into a language depends on tons of details and I don't have a good sense of the options across dozens of languages. Note this only really matters if your language and program is handling a lot of things at once in a single process, which is not always the case.

That's most of what would matter, I think. Most of the rest of Erlang like "pattern matching", well, do whatever they do in your language. Which may be pattern matching.

But Erlang provides something that Kubernetes/Docker/Systemd isolation does not: fine granularity / per request isolated processes. Is the difference between a code bug killing a single call in a VoIP system vs killing an entire OS process with hundreds of them.

Do you mean actors? I kinda hate how they’re always referred to as processes.