I have a question about hosting costs - not a SW.

Suppose I write some educational Jupyter notebooks, which are not particularly resource intensive, say 100 seconds of compute time per notebook. I host them on some cloud server, using something like OP, and get a 1000 people to learn from it. Maybe they end up using say,

1000 people x 5 notebooks x 100 seconds/run x 20 runs of each notebook = 10 million seconds of compute time.

How much would such a server cost to host, where "many" of these people are working on the notebooks together? Just need a rough estimate.

You could consider an in browser notebook to get your cost down to near nothing - it depends a bit on what kind of tasks your students do whether they fit in the browser (one wouldn't train a large neural network in one for instance)

There's Starboard (which I'm building, it's built specifically for the browser and can integrate into a larger app deeply) and JupyterLite (the closest you will get to JupyterLab in the browser), either can be a good choice depending on your requirements. Both use Pyodide for the Python runtime.

[1]: https://github.com/gzuidhof/starboard-notebook, demo: https://starboard.gg

[2]: https://jupyterlite.readthedocs.io/en/latest/