Congratulations, but to me React is like Rust. Something I always wanted to get into but found better alternatives. In the react case Vue wins for me and in the Rust case it's Go.

I really tried, time and time again to like it and write something with it, but Vue just offers the better libraries. Altough with the recent 2 to 3 upgrade and pinia instead of vuex I'm starting to get dissatisfied with the "no single proper way" of Vue. Vuex-orm being the best frontend REST wired ORM, nothing comes close to ease of use and setup. Meanwhile react has what? Complicated redux, or is that even a thing anymore? Idk, which I would. Redux the boilerplate abomination. That's exactly what drove me away from Angular. But I'm starting to rant again. And react has even more of the "not a single proper way". Yeah I know, nextjs the magic bullet, but what if you don't agree with pretty much everything about it, starting with routing.

You’ve mentioned two of my favourite technologies :)

In case you want to try rust and react together: