I studied this code for a long time. I have lots of notes, going through everything almost line by line. I would be embarrassed of making them public because I never finished (at some point, I was just rewriting the x64 reference), but if somebody is interested I do not mind sharing.
I would recommend everyone doing C to have a very careful look at this. The code is full of nice tricks and you start appreciating the terse style after a while. I understand why this style is not more commonly used, but I really like it.
I wish* exist a simplified implementation of this (or APL) in "normal" looking code.
Array languages are the most "obscure" of all paradigms I have looked into. Even concatenative ones have some few resources about how work.
Also, the community live in a parallel world! So when asked about stuff, redirect me to https://code.jsoftware.com/wiki/Essays/Incunabulum or https://github.com/kevinlawler/kona as if it somehow make everything so obvious ...
P.D*: Because I'm building a language that try to draw some ideas from kdb
However, although I totally get your point (I've been there), I have to say there is much more to learn if you try to understand that parallel world. It can take a while, but I think it is worth it.