This is a great article - functional languages like Haskell don't get enough credit in a world where JavaScript's shenanigans are the accepted norm.
Also check out F#, especially if you already have a code base involving .NET in any way. The CLR makes it super easy to write some parts in a functional language and other parts in more traditional OO - after all, the right approach often varies even within projects.
As a personal anecdote, taking the time to learn Haskell or any other functional language makes you a better programmer. The concepts often apply to less'pure' languages and certainly stretch you to think in new ways.
Shenanigans is a good word for that. So many people spend so much time learning the ins and outs of JS, which often find use only in JS, yet balk at learning the simplest things about Haskell. It does not help that theoretical and academic are so often used as slurs.
JS runs natively on the web, it embraces multiple paradigms, it has a huge community, and you can get a job in almost any city on earth if you know how to use it. Haskell may be "better" as a language, (just as Esperanto may be superior to English) but if you want the widest range of opportunities in your life and not just in your language, Javascript/English beats Haskell/Esperanto.
Why not help bring some of Haskell's concepts to a more relevant language instead of bemoaning the entirely rational decisions made by millions of junior and senior developers?
Edit: the rabid insularity of the Haskell community definitely doesn't help. The Python community was dissatisfied with JS and created Coffeescript, and as of ES6 now everyone can enjoy the fat arrow syntax. Less pleasantly, the Java community got class syntax added to ES6, but at least they're trying to contribute. I'm sure Haskell has plenty of really cool things to bring to the table, but I've never heard of any of them, because all the Haskell community wants do is talk about how JavaScript sucks instead of embracing the functional side of it.