I'm torn on this. On one hand, Kotlin is great. It's not Scala but it gives you a whole lot while maintaining the ability to very easily swap in for Java.

On the other hand, it's controlled by Jetbrains—the company that now offers a "yearly license" of many of its compilers at the same price point it once sold them for, after which time they forcibly downgrade the software their users have paid for. It's not illegal and some even agree with the practice on an ethical level, but it's clear that Jetbrains is all about hoarding as much consumer surplus for themselves as they can.

If only Kotlin were truly an open project and well supported outside of the Jetbrains marketplace, e.g. by VS Code, I'd be cheering it on.

-former webstorm/rubymine customer

If only you were truly understand what you talking about:) In fact, Intellij platform is open sourced(https://github.com/JetBrains/intellij-community), many IDE's for different languages built on top of it(like https://intellij-rust.github.io/), as well as Kotlin plugin itself.

And yeah don't forget Eclipse Kotlin plugin, fully open-sourced)

JetBrains open-sourced decades of their hard work, building world's best IDE. And you can benefit from it for free.

You don't even have to pay for webstorm/rubymine. Just install plugins you need to Intellij CE)))