It amazes me that people put up with the gigabytes of RAM and full cores it takes to use Jetbrains products when VSCode/Vim/emacs can do 99% of what Jetbrains IDEs can do with LSP at a fraction of the power consumed. I guess fleet is Jetbrains acknowledging this shortcoming, but paying for current products that are marginally better than free and open source seems crazy to me.

I've used VSCode for Go and TypeScript/JavaScript for years. I recently tried switching to IDEA, and the difference is just stunning.

The Go support in VSCode relies on Gopls, which is a buggy mess. It frequently just stops working. It also lacks most refactorings (and no refactor preview). The Go debugger integration is okay, but Jetbrains' is miles better.

IDEA has tons of features that makes VSCode feels positively stone age:

* The "find/replace" across files has a result view with live editing.

* "Find implementations".

* Lightning fast search across many projects in one window.

* Symbol search, also lightning fast, across many projects.

* Extensive refactoring tools. Not just things like "extract method", but also linter-driven ones like removing an unused function argument, or fixing an identifier's spelling (updates all uses).

* Git support is tons better, including things like "Compare with..." allowing instant diffing against a branch or revision.

* Diff view is much nicer. It's also "live", like many things in IDEA; if you compare two files, the diff view updates when the files are change.

* GitHub integration where you can, for example, create, view, comment on, etc. pull requests within the IDE.

* Unlike VSCode, the experience out of the box is much more complete. I only had to install a few plugins (Prettier, my favourite colour theme, etc.).

I don't mind the extra gigs of RAM when the experience is so much better.

I don't like that it's not open source. But IDEA is a classic case of commercial software being vastly more mature than open source counterparts.

IntelliJ IDEA Community Edition is actually open source: