What's the state of discussion of the disadvantages of HTTP/2 now?

A few years ago I heard the argument that it basically benefits Google and other large companies and inconveniences everyone else.

So, I implemented https://github.com/socketry/falcon - a HTTP/1, HTTP/2 web server, including client.

HTTP/2 in my opinion is simply a better protocol. It's more robust, and it has a binary framing layer which implements connection semantics separately from request/response headers. What I mean by this, is `content-length` or `transfer-encoding` are no longer used to control how the protocol actually works (i.e. how many bytes of data are consumed). I think this is a great step forward because it removes ambiguity and simplifies the overall protocol, and it's clear how extra features can be added in the future without impacting existing clients/servers - something that HTTP/1 struggled with a bit.

I also think it impacts how we build web applications. I already wrote this as a blog post: https://www.codeotaku.com/journal/2018-10/http-2-for-ruby-we...