I'm not surprised that Angular ships a larger bundle than React and Vue, it intentionally covers a much larger surface area of functionality. But Angular also includes build tools meant to reduce the size of the final bundle - can anyone tell if those were used in this comparison?

Yes, his Angular page [0] uses AoT compilation which results in the bundle, instead of individual files by default (meant for development only).

Also I agree with you. It's a bit unfair to be comparing a barebones Angular app to a barebones React/Vue app (even with a router library for each of those). Angular also has a forms and validation library already installed, and its dependency injection framework, etc. The baseline React/Vue apps don't have those pre-installed, which you would typically install when building an actual app.

[0] https://angular-ngrx-router.netlify.com/

That's kind of the point though, right? If you don't need forms, can you remove them in Angular?

While we're on the subject, does anyone know a good forms and validation library for React? :-)

For React forms and validation the combo of Formik and Yup is quite nice. Formik takes a schema prop specifically for integration with Yup, it's covered in the docs.

