/e/ is mud among the LineageOS community (which is upstream of it), due to several reasons. Sadly I can't find the relevant /r/lineageOS posts .
Here's some reading that covers the basic points though:
They should definitely embrace the Telegram FOSS fork [1] and OSMAnd~ [2] (which is a superb offline navigation tool btw) and remove all Apps that require the Android 10 firebase hockey-based notifications. [5] and [6]
A lot of apps use this for convenience and because it was _required_ since AOSP 10 but there are ways to work around that requirement with a high priority notification.
I would additionally recommend to use AppWarden [3] and Blokada [4], because both are amazing additions for an Android device.
Firefox for Android, though, is still a nightmare with all the telemetry. The old TOR Browser 9.5 series is based on old Firefox pre-quantum, 10 is based on Firefox post-quantum.
The issue with current Firefox and TOR Browser is that Mozilla decided to include the Adjust-, Firebase- and LeanPlum-SDK which introduce now more user tracking than ever before. You'll even sometimes see different A/B UIs based on your browsing behavior (not kidding) and geolocation, and of course this happens more often with Orbot being used as a Proxy.
(You can verify this via AppWarden if you don't trust me)
[1] https://github.com/Telegram-FOSS-Team/Telegram-FOSS
[2] https://github.com/osmandapp/OsmAnd
[3] https://gitlab.com/AuroraOSS/AppWarden/
[4] https://github.com/blokadaorg
[5] https://github.com/Telegram-FOSS-Team/Telegram-FOSS/blob/mas...
[6] https://developer.android.com/guide/components/activities/ba...