I've been away from MacOS for about 10 years. Big Sur now. Kinda hate it. I keep accidentally invoking extra layers of UI everywhere. That's fine I guess.

But what I ran into that I LOVE is making EVERY app full-screen, pretending there is no desktop or window management, and just swiping right/left among them.

I wish there was a way to smooth out the UX so that this feels first-class and I stop accidentally breaking this illusion at times.

I think window management in Mac leaves much to be desired (hot key and snapping floating windows). But associate fullscreeen window/split with a new workspace is actually one thing it does right. I installed an addon on Gnome just to emulate that.

Split is kind of useless with an ultrawide monitor though, I wish it was 3 columns

If you're looking for a good OSX window manager, Yabai [1] is excellent. If you're willing and allowed too you can get greater control by disabling SIP. However even with system integrity enabled (which bars access to certain WindowServer APIs - space control, removing shadows, multi-monitor integrations) Yabai functions great.

It uses a messaging passing API to interface with a local service, so it's completely programmable and can be integrated with something like skhd [2]

1: https://github.com/koekeishiya/yabai

2: https://github.com/koekeishiya/skhd

My skhdrc setup: https://pastebin.com/5GT8yiGK