I've been on a functional JS binge recently and have found https://leanpub.com/javascript-allonge extremely helpful in explaining functional concepts and reexplaining basic javascript concepts. I can't recommend the book enough.

Having read the book, I can definitely recommend it. Along with the book, Braithwaite created [allonge.es][1], a functional js library which follows much more closely how I would create a FP utility library in JS (versus, something like lo-dash or underscore).

  [1]: https://github.com/raganwald/allong.es

Being a novice, what would be extremely helpful would be to see someone apply these concepts in different parts of the stack on a real world web app. Discussion also regarding when these concepts should not be used or are otherwise terrible would be great.

That is great feedback. I am actually working on creating a "functional" version of the 2048 game, along with my own implementation of the AI solver, as part of this series. Kinda goofy, and maybe not a "real world" situation as much, but should at least show the concepts being applied.

I also very much recommend this video by Brian Lonsdorf, titled "Hey Underscore, You're Doing It Wrong!:


I think Lonsdorf needs to check out PureScript https://github.com/purescript/purescript. He's practically writing in a style like it already.