I'm a long-time vim user, but I like to program the parens-y languages, so tried my hand at emacs a while back.
Somehow, over decades, I had never heard about this cross-platform shell built into emacs. There doesn't seem to be much fanfare about it (at least from an outsider's perspective), but having a consistent shell available on any platform emacs runs on is really cool.
Tangential, but I've been playing around with Clojure lately. I thought my days of actually-using-vim were behind me as I just use the vim plugin in VS Code for my day job but I found that the most mature Clojure VS Code plugin (Calva) doesn't work great with vim keybindings so I decided to see how neovim had progressed (hadn't looked at it in a few years).
I ended up getting setup really easily with Conjure[1]. It's a neovim plugin written in Fennel[2], a Lisp dialect that compiles to Lua. I'm writing my whole neovim configuration in lisp. It sounds like the setup to some emacs vs vim joke but it's actually pretty cool!