They are just frustrated that the only way to make functional programming useful is mixing it with some good old OOP and imperative stuff - the recent rise of Scala and C# are a proof.

It’s a bit like the transition from the bronze age to the iron age.

It wasn’t a sudden switch and while the iron tools owned the future, they were inferior at first. Took a long time before iron tools and weapons became the most popular thing, even after iron tools could be made that were superior to bronze.

Popularity doesn't say anything about tool quality.

A lot changed from 2010-2012 for Haskell. There was an explosion of libraries and tool fix-up. This continues, no doubt, but it has shifted the equation in favor of tools that don't have to make compromises that harm productivity.

I teach Haskell in a decided un-academic manner. This is partly because I have no academic background nor degree. It is also because I teach people Haskell in a manner designed to enable its use for practical projects.

This is the guide I use to teach people Haskell:

I've taught Haskell successfully for the last year to programmers and non-programmers.