Another method I have used in the past is to rewatch content I used to learn a subject at 3-4x speed. A lot of high quality content that spans multiple days can be viewed in only a few hours this way. The key I’ve learned with this is to do this across variations of the content you wish to learn and re-learn. Combine this with audio books at similar speeds and you can really get through content very quickly.

When using this method if you are learning something for the first time or you come across something that peaks your interest, an exercise or question, pause and take notes, implement the solution in multiple variations, then continue the video/audio.

How do you get videos to 3-4x speed? I find most video players only allow up to 2x speed?

I've had to use some browser extensions for 3-4x speeds. Anything that is HTML5 enabled video will be supported by it. Unfortunately I don't have a solution for anything on the phone :/

The one I use for desktop is