What really drives me crazy are prompts that start by showing two options: "Consent to all cookies", or "customize". If you click "customize", it opens a new modal window with a loading indicator that just doesn't seem to finish. I literally waited 60 seconds and then tried again by refreshing the page, ending up with another infinite loading indicator.
This means that users are de-factor forced to click "consent to all". I'm not even sure if that's legal.
Now, this was not some obscure small website, but the official Java documentation on docs.oracle.com! They use some third-party service for that - I just tried again, and though it worked this time, it still took 30+ seconds to submit my settings. I have a very hard time to believe this has technical reasons. Either this was made slow on purpose, or built by a bunch of morons.
There are serious doubts if this is a complaint way to handle cookie consent.