We went away from node as a backend technology for a bunch of reasons. Here's a list of the biggest pain points:

- Lack of a good standard API; compared to environments like Java, C# or Go, node's standard library is significantly sparse.

- The tendency for small libraries/frameworks leads to a very high number of third party code with all the problems attached; bigger attack surface, licensing challenges, it's economically impossible to vet and review dependencies

- There's a tendency in the ecosystem to abandon projects rather soon (~1-2 years) and to keep changing things. Further, we have had several situations where maintainers did not respect semver, combined with npm's approach of updating patch versions upon installation, we have had too many broken builds from one day to another w/out code changes. The state of documentation of a lot of projects is non-existent.

- Lack of multi threading. We have used all the options, including RPC implementations, but that doesn't even come close to approaches like Java threads or go routines. Neither in performance, nor in maintainability.

- Lack of typing. That's probably the biggest one. Yes, we use TypeScript, quite extensively even. But TypeScript brings its own problems. First, it's only declarative. If you have a `something: number`, there's no guarantee that it's actually a number upon execution, so if you have a bug in a layer interacting with another system, that might fail a couple levels deep. You hence end up with type checks at some places and you cannot really trust it anyway. Second, TypeScript's tooling is slow and has some annoying quirks (e.g. aliases not being resolved upon compilation). Having aliases allowing to shorten import paths is a big, big win, though. Third, the typing, given the complexity of JavaScript, can be confusing, sometimes even seemingly impossible to get right.

Is node a bad technology? Not at all. I'd not chose it for enterprise, big or long-lived projects, though. It's a very good technology for a lot of things, especially smaller projects. We are building on Java + Spring Boot now.

- Lack of a good standard api: I don't understand this one. I've never had a problem with its documentation and the API always seemed fine to me, but I don't use C# or Go so maybe I'm missing out?

- There's a tendency in the ecosystem to abandon projects rather soon: This can certainly happen, but it's important to choose libraries and frameworks carefully. My node servers (Express.js) are extremely light weight, so I rarely have this problem.

- Lack of multi threading: I think you are wrong on this point but I don't know your expectations since I'm not a Java developer. I have written some multi threaded code and saw massive perf improvements. You can't expect a scripted language to perform like Java, but quality of code is also very important. I wrote a generator that replaced a Java utility that was 10x faster. I rarely have to worry about this because it's easier to write async code that's extremely fast.

- Lack of typing: this seems more like a criticism of javascript.

I get that this isn't the platformm for you, but I think you might be wanting it to be too much like what you are familiar with.

About lack of standard library:

I don‘t personally work with node for the backend but typescript/javascript in the browser. And I think what is meant is something like LINQ in C# (all kinds of functions you can apply on enumerables/arrays), some basic DateTime library (how to add two dates in JS? How to get the diff of two dates in days or hours in JS? Both are 1 liners in C#) and maybe some more stuff for string mutation and so on.

There’s work on new JS standard called Temporal that’s a stage 3 proposal. People should be using its poly fill instead of other data libraries where possible.


JS standard libraries are forever. It pays to take a bit more time and get it right.