People really have any expectation from Google devices?

Even android which whole marketing is that it is "more open" only receives self-serving features. Btw, the access to chrome-cast is baked in the playStore service. So your app has to be compiled with full google play store tracking library to use it. ...i used to help maintain a version of fenec (firefox for android) that was build without chromecast support just because of this (and if you want it, gnu now maintains a better version called IceCat)

Oh, and even plain-open-source projects... there were 4 attempts to have an option to disable referrer on chromium. All of them reverted by google employers on unrelated commits. So even chromium is not that safe.

Just remove their commit rights or fork the project.

Google runs the chromium project.

Looks like various parties have forked the codebase already.