Does anyone have any good success stories with WebAssembly in the actual context of using it on the web? That list of testimonials doesn't seem very inspiring as to whether or not the standard has seen actual production usage to justify being a recommended standard...

I use it in a web worker to compile, assemble, and link C programs into 8-bit ROMs:

I was using asm.js in the past, but WASM gives a noticeable and necessary performance boost.

This looks awesome, great project!

Which specific CPUs or applications that you emulate really take advantage of the performance boost that WASM provides?

Thanks -- we use Emscripten/WASM mainly for running command-line compilers/assemblers (like cc65 and SDCC).

Right now the emulators are all in JavaScript (except for MAME) which makes integrating with the IDE's debugging tools a little easier. It's performant enough for now, since we only have 8-bit platforms at low clock speeds.

Integrating a C emulation library like should be doable, since it doesn't have any dependencies.