Pocket Sponsored Stories will appear for a percentage of users in the US. Read about our privacy-conscious approach to sponsored content
If you can't roll out a feature without violating EU privacy laws, you're not employing a "privacy-conscious approach."


Firefox is basically adware now.

Not sure why this comment is grey, FF is now adware by objective definition of the word adware.

Wiki >Adware, or advertising-supported software, is software that generates revenue for its developer by automatically generating online advertisements in the user interface of the software or on a screen presented to the user during the installation process

>... is software that generates revenue for its developer ...

does pocket suggesting stories somehow generate revenue for Mozilla?

Mozilla owns Pocket. They're not calling them Pocket Sponsored Stories to be cute. You, too, can now buy screen space in the premiere open-source browser: https://getpocket.com/sponsor

I think it's a disgrace.

I wish someone with the time would start producing a "De-Mozilla'ed" fork a la Chromium. I think Firefox has gotten to that point, things like this and the Mr. Robot fiasco indicate the project needs to be saved from itself.

Chromium is not a de-Googled Chrome. This is: https://github.com/Eloston/ungoogled-chromium

Well, it's trying to be. It's still millions of lines of code and tens of thousands of design decisions made by Google.

The same would be true for your wish of a Firefox-fork, though I'm not sure there's that much sense in it, since what Mozilla has been doing has not infringed on privacy. You'd be patching out things that are harmless.