If I am going to use Chrome/Chromium then I am just going to use Chrome/Chromium and spend 10 more seconds and install ublock. No reason to use a themed Chromium by a company that literally announces itself to investors (among which Peter Thiel who has obviously personal issues with Google founders) as an advertising platform with a cryptoscam if it didn't work.

I'm not too sure what ublock does entirely, but it seems to focus more on blocking content of the site. Like images, iframes, scripts, etc.

Chrome does a lot of calling home. Like, a LOT [1][2]. For example, it checks sites are "safe" (as according to Google's standards) running every website you visit through their servers.

Brave tries to disable most of this.

1. https://github.com/Eloston/ungoogled-chromium

2. https://brave.com/brave-tops-browser-first-run-network-traff...