Though Jitsi is also usable via "zero-install browser only", the electron package allows additional features like e.g., desktop sharing with remote control. And due to bundled Chrome, some Firefox RTP problems are also circumvented with the Electron desktop version.

> And due to bundled Chrome

... bundled Chromium, ...

Does this have any privacy implications? ISTR Google made it very hard to remove Google stuff even from Chromium.

Not that much, just the brand and some less calls to home (but chromium still calls home)

If Chromium still calls home, does that mean the MSFT has to remove all that code to turn it into Edge?

If so, that seems like a lot of work. Especially if you want to verify that it’s removed for future versions.

No, they just have to edit it so it calls home to them.

Still a lot of work though :P