I'll use this as an opportunity to ask: What am I missing, having ditched Chrome ~3 years ago and switched to Firefox? I am very happy with Firefox, and it fulfills 100% of my requirements for a modern browser (must have sane browser dev panel, must perform with >50 tabs open, must be extensible with a huge extension ecosystem).

On my Android phone, I'll just go ahead and claim I'm not missing anything and it's not even close - Firefox is so much better just for being able to run extensions like uBlock Origin.

But on a workstation (macOS) - I'll keep an open mind.

I also switched years ago and haven't looked back. FF is fast, solid. However, I too keep Chromium for development. But I use the Ungoogled version (I always plug it, but have no stakes in it): https://github.com/Eloston/ungoogled-chromium

Does anyone know a Webkit browser that runs on Win - preferably with some kind of debugger?