I know you said that you like maintaining a super minimal .vimrc, but fwiw there's a couple of plugins that really helped me with the workflow issues you mentioned struggling with:
> Jumping around in longer texts: I know the basics, like searching (/), jumping to a matching bracket (%) or jumping to specific lines (for line 10, type 10G), but I still could use symbols more often for navigation.
vim-sneak is real nice for this, and has turned into one of my most-used movement commands https://github.com/justinmk/vim-sneak
> Using visual mode for moving text around: Sometimes it can be quite complicated to type the right combination of letters to cut (delete) the text I want to move around. That's where visual mode (v) shines. It highlights the selected text. I should use it more often.
vim-move was a game changer for me https://github.com/matze/vim-move
> Tabs: I know how tabs work, but all the typing feels clunky. That's why I never extensively used them. Instead, I mostly use multiple terminal tabs or an IDE with Vim bindings for bigger projects.
This is worth a read: https://joshldavis.com/2014/04/05/vim-tab-madness-buffers-vs.... Buffers + vim fzf is a really nice workflow https://github.com/junegunn/fzf.vim
I guess what I'm trying to say is that I became more and more conservative about what external dependencies to rely on, because as soon as they become part of my workflow, I can't easily go back because they become part of muscle memory.
For vim-move I use `V` + `j,k` for the selection followed by `d` to delete and `p` for paste. Works quite well for me. The problem that I have with visual selections is, that I often want to "grow" a selection from inside of my current position. Say my cursor is inside parentheses, I'd like to hit a key repeatedly to select an ever growing region of text: first the entire content inside the parentheses, then including the parenthesis, then the entire line, then the entire function and so on. Is there a plugin for that?
Thanks for your article on buffers. Looks like a great workflow. What I'd like to have on top of that is a way to open a buffer based on the contents of a file. Say I have a file somewhere that contains a specific function, `myFunction()`. I'd love to just start typing `myFu` and vim would suggest the correct file to open. Bonus points for handling typos, e.g. `ymFu` should also work.