In the conclusion the author says "It may not replace an IDE if you’re coding in Java or C++, especially if you’re using Frameworks and auto-complete is helping you."
You don't have to make that choice and can have "the best of both worlds": For the last few years I've not been using Vim itself, but Vim bindings in VSCode and Intellj. I enjoy the trade-off of this this approach because it
- is trivial to set up (in stark contrast to configuring a untouched Vim/Nvim install from the ground up)
- gives me simple access to powerful extensions
- allows me to use modern editor/IDE features (find usage, refactor) without forgoing "the essence of Vim", rapid code editing through the combination of motions & commands
I tried, but I missed a lot of thinks like being able to click a random line instead of down down down down. Or selections. Commands are good but I pretty much just use find and replace in vim.